Vivace Leadership Training

Through hands-on experiences led by nationally acclaimed educators, participants engage in immersive experiences that develop emotional awareness, interpersonal communication skills, and practical leadership capacities that will enhance their skills as leaders in their marching bands…and beyond!


Single Day Workshops

Odessa HS, Delaware (June 14, 2024)
South Hagerstown HS, Maryland (June 15, 2024)
Dartmouth HS, Massachusetts (June 22, 2024)

Unlock your leadership potential with the exhilarating 4-hour Single Day Training Workshops! These workshops will ignite students’ leadership skills through dynamic activities, practical examples, and stimulating exchanges with our team of nationally acclaimed educators. 

REGISTER for a Single Day Training near you and “level up your leadership” today!

2-Day Leadership Training

July 20-21, 2024 - West Chester University (PA)

  • Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser (Attitude Concepts)
  • Bobby Lambert (Wando HS, Music for All)
  • Dr. Adam Gumble (West Chester University)
  • Dr. John Villella (Vivace Productions)

Our intensive 2-day Vivace Leadership Training Workshops are immersive experiences designed to prepare students with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to excel as leaders inside and outside the band room! 


Weekend workshops foster a sense of connection between participants from different programs and equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to positively impact their home programs


2-Day Leadership Training

West Chester University, July 20-21
$ 325 Resident
  • Instruction
  • Meals
  • Dorm Housing
  • Camp T-Shirt

Custom Clinics

Looking for an experience tailored to the unique needs of your band program? Look no further than a Custom Vivace Leadership Training (CVLT) Clinic! Our experienced educators will work with you to develop an experience that addresses your program’s specific challenges and goals.

Our Custom VLT Clinics provide affordable, targeted solutions to help your band program reach new heights by engaging your students in thought-provoking and practical activities that build leadership capacities in all participants.

Contact us to discuss how we can create a customized CVLT Clinic to “level up your leadership” and help your band program succeed!